Friday, January 8, 2010

random thoughts

  • I really like string cheese. I mean the simple invention of already awesome mozerella into log/string form is just... whoever made that up I'd like to meet them. And give them a hug.
  • Why do apples make you hungrier AFTER you eat them? My theory is since you're chewing so much... the exercise counteracts the motion of eating. It just ends up cancelling out. You ate nothing. And your jaws are tired. Congratulations.
  • Texturizing Creme, shaping wax, custom control and control paste... SAME THING! Different prices. Here at Aveda : )
  • My mom enjoys hurling insults at the stupid people on House Hunters. Seriously? They're DUMB. But I'm pretty sure she thinks they will heed her advice though... haha it's about the equivalent to a scary movie and EVERY black person saying, "GIIIIIRL YOU KNOW HE IN THE GARAGE! HE AAAALWAYS IN THE GARAGE!!!!"
that's about it for now. will update if i get more... WHEN i get more haha

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