Tuesday, January 12, 2010

biscuit days

I wish the biscuit days were like the salad days... except way better because there are carbs involved... metaphorically of course. "Oh, the biscuit days..."

In keeping with my new life resolution to bake, this week I will be making more things from Joy the Baker (srsly. lurve her!). Since my mom is in D.C. I figure I can bake unprohibited. Today I was feelin' biscuits and went a-searching through the annals of biscuits... well actually I just went IMMEDIATELY to Joy the Baker's site and looked through her recipe index haha. I will be making her Dad's Buttermilk Biscuits and the Giant Paprika Cheddar Drop Biscuits. I am so excited... and I will probably post more pictures just cuz I get insanely crazy like that.

If I could also make cookies this week that would be awesome. I am... getting the sinking feeling that I won't really want to bake til about... Juu...lyyy...uraryyyy...tober??ember. So I'm getting all this in pretty much before the week is out. I'm shooting for the black and white cookies as well as butter cookies and peanut butter blossoms for my dad.

Still trying to figure out whaaat I'm doing... ya know with... my life and my appearance haha. I can't get myself to DO anything... I just... don't feel like it! The longer I wait to wake up the more I know I won't if I don't just MAKE myself wake up. Anyone have a soul defibrilator?

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