Monday, April 30, 2012

friends + food

I got the unique chance to hang out with not one, not two, but 10 of my closest friends all in one weekend.

Saturday, worlds collided with Kate and Katherine for a Ladies Lunch blogger style. Sunday it was an all out reunion with Casey, Sarah, Annie, Zack, Charlie and Courtney. There was an underlying theme through this whole weekend, though.

1. We like to laugh. No joke if we're not laughing... it's because something grave just happened like all the puppies died.

2. We REALLY like food - Saturday I ate all day starting with m. henry and it ended with Argo Tea with some Trader Joe's in the middle. Sunday we ate non-stop... El Campesino, Starbucks, Cracker Barrel and there was a serious vying for Jaenicke's but it lost out to rain. I was full from the time I got there to the time I left. Honestly, I feel like I can bare my soul easier when it's over a giant bowl of coffee. Bonds are formed as you pass the chips and salsa. And I should have brought some Pepto.

Also that little baby up there? made my life. Next time I'm requesting a hangout with JUST Sofia De la Rosa, please. We'll just sing all day and clap, point and babble and I'll be really happy about it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! :) I had such a good time. I can't wait to do it again!



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