Wednesday, May 23, 2012

SLW: musings (on exercise)

I feel like there is an unspoken pact by single women everywhere that you have to exercise A LOT. You have to be READY at any time to pounce on a man. It's like... the endorphins are... comparable to sex or something? Well if I was looking for comparable endorphins I would just get all the chocolate in the world. AMIRIGHT?!


For an update to last weeks "BREAKING NEWS" I did NOT join a gym. Hah. I sound and feel... awesome. But I have a reason! It was beautiful last week and I wanted to go for a walk when I realized I don't want to walk by myself all the time. My friend Anisha, who has just come back into town after 8 years of college and med school, asked if I wanted to start walking with her! An answered prayer! There's a 3.6 mile path down the street from me and today I toootally walked the whole thing.

Now I'm not sure what kind of thoughts people have while exercising but mine are pretty hostile...

*starts walking* woo! I'm walkin! Gettin healthy! Woo... sun's hot... woo. balls. it's hot as balls. can we turn around *turns around to see car 3ft away* I should... walk a little bit more.
NO ONE FEELS MY PAIN! *a woman, bigger than I am, passes me... RUNNING* NO ONE AT AAAALL.
*hot guy running passes her with his shirt off* OKAYOKAY STOP BRAGGING ABOUT IT.
*somehow mistaking the mile markers* Omg we've walked 15 miles! FIFTEEN! THIS PATH IS FIFTEEN MILES?! I'm so awesome for walking 15 miles!! *gets to the end* omg we only walked THREE POINT SIX MILES?!?!?! *faints*

As you can see... this is going to be one of those kicking and screaming journeys. Anisha LOVES exercise and I think that wishing yourself thin is the next big diet craze. This summer should be SUPER interesting.

It's a start... : )

*for more Single Lady Wednesday posts go here!

**if you'd like to be featured on SLW feel free to email me with submissions at:


  1. I don't know you, but I love you. Weird? Maybe. I found your blog through a mutual friend, and have been stalking you ever since. I'm loving that we are apparently soul mates when it comes to exercise. I thought no one felt my pain.
    "*starts walking* woo! I'm walkin! Gettin healthy! Woo... sun's hot... woo. balls. it's hot as balls. can we turn around *turns around to see car 3ft away* I should... walk a little bit more."

    This is me, only I would have stopped and turned around. :)

    1. hah! i love it. and please believe me... if i had not had someone with me... i would have stopped before i started haha. I'm glad you came out of hiding! let's be friends : )

    2. YAY real friend/internet friends!!! I love when this happens. We should all hang out sometime.

  2. sometimes i wish exercise wasn't a thing you did at the gym or outside but built into every day life. like, 'hey, i'm a farmer, and i spend all day plowing my field and then washing my hand.' psshhhh...wouldn't need the offing gym then!! thanks, america.

    1. emily i love when you get your feisty dietitian pants on. they're my favorite pair of pants for reals.

  3. *hot guy running passes her with his shirt off* OKAYOKAY STOP BRAGGING ABOUT IT.

    Did I just pee my pants a little? Yes, yes I did.



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