Tuesday, February 9, 2010

always comes back to salt

Now that I'm all lemoned out from the whoopie pies (seriously. I can't take another sweet treat til at LEAST Sunday) I've decided I need something savory. I feel bad for only utilizing the annals of Joy the Baker's recipe index. There are so many food blogs out there. I gotta go explorin'! But just for these last TWO things I'll be using her wamazing (wonderfully-amazing) recipe index.

1. Red Velvet Black and White Cookies (we totes knew that already. I've only been talking about it since January LOL)

2. Pepperoni and Black Olive Pizza - I put on Al Green and I couldn't resist making this... now I've never made dough before... so I'll let you know how that one goes. I'm hoping something along the lines of, "ZOMG SUPERBLY AWESOME" but we shall see!

Stay. TUNED. No really stay tuned. Not just for the food (but if you're in it just for the food i totally understand.) Some awesome things are happening at the moment? Am I am PRAYING that it turns out. I mean it could turn into something so awesome I might die, come back to life, jump up and slap somebody in excitement. Watch out now! : )

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